Collaboration with the amazing Corpsonore!

While the topic of musician’s health and wellbeing is a frequent research topic, and some organisations do a great job at providing specialist care (for example, BAPAM here in the UK) a big proportion of the findings are published in medical journals, and never reach the target population: the musicians themselves.

To help the situation, many musicians took the initiative and decided to share information themselves. I’m lucky enough to call one of these amazing people my friend, who is co-authoring an excellent website about the wellbeing of musicians in an enjoyable and informative way. It has articles in a wide range of topics, from nutrition to movement, recording reviews, and even has a wonderful podcast!

I was super excited when I was asked to write a piece on MFD for them and had so much to say that it became two articles instead! The first part is now published here, but once you’re there, I encourage you to explore the website, and enjoy the high-quality and stimulating content!

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Anna Détári